The Master Plan proposes not one, but two upgraded water play areas incorporating recycled and filtered water: one suitable for early years, with the possibility of a hand pump and small stream and pools in which children can play. For older children and young people an innovative ‘splash pad’ with fountains and sprays to have fun and cool off is proposed.
The design team is considering capacity and how to cope with peaks of demand. They are exploring ways to integrate the water play within the overall design to keep it in character with the landscaping, to consider alternative uses out of season, and through play activities – to learn more about flood resilience and climate change.
The Master Plan proposes not one, but two upgraded water play areas incorporating recycled and filtered water: one suitable for early years, with the possibility of a hand pump and small stream and pools in which children can play. For older children and young people an innovative ‘splash pad’ with fountains and sprays to have fun and cool off is proposed.
The design team is considering capacity and how to cope with peaks of demand. They are exploring ways to integrate the water play within the overall design to keep it in character with the landscaping, to consider alternative uses out of season, and through play activities – to learn more about flood resilience and climate change.
Barnes Common
Vine Road Pavilion
Vine Road
Barnes SW13 0NE