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9:30am, Saturday February 10th, 2024

Vine Road Recreation Ground, SW13 0NE

Build A Dead Hedge For Wildlife

Build A Dead Hedge For Wildlife

9:30am, Saturday February 10th, 2024

Vine Road Recreation Ground, SW13 0NE

Help us trim the vegetation along the station footpath, improving safety and using the trimmings to create a dead hedge for wildlife.

Weekend work parties in February to improve path and create dead hedge habitat

Mike Hildesley invites you to join him in three weekend work parties early in February to trim back the vegetation along the footpath between the Cricket Field and railway line, from Vine Road to Barnes Station. The bushes along there need cutting back as they are encroaching on the footpath; we also need to trim tree limbs underhanging the lights along the footpath – the aim is to restore the ‘1metre strip’ and improve the lighting along the footpath, and thus its safety.

Instead of simply removing the trimmed materials we propose creating a length of ‘dead hedge’ for two reasons: first, it re-uses materials creating valuable habitat for invertebrates and second, it should stop some of the cricket balls going into the ditch. Future maintenance will be much easier as cuttings can be used to top up the dead hedge.

The work will include driving in split chestnut posts, lopping, sawing and dragging materials. Hand tools and gloves will be provided. Wear old clothes with long sleeves, and boots or stout footwear, suitable for the weather conditions. Refreshments will be available at the Community Cafe, Vine Road Rec., where we will gather from 10.20-10.30am, or come direct to site (what3words number.happen.safely) at any time.

Everyone is welcome! These work parties will not be suitable for younger children. Under 18’s welcome if accompanied by a responsible adult or if parental consent given in advance (please contact us for the relevant form).


We welcome everyone at this volunteering session. Please note, to take part, you need to fill in our volunteer registration form to make sure our insurance covers you.

If you are a regular volunteer and have already filled in the form, there is no need to do this again.

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All proceeds from ticket sales support future learning and conservation activities, and we would encourage you, if you can, to pay full price. We do not want cost to be a barrier to our activities, so if for any reason you are unable to pay for the full price tickets, we have a limited number of discounted concession tickets. Please contact [email protected] for more details.

Refund policy: Unfortunately, we are unable to issue refunds on cancellations made within 2 weeks of the event. In some circumstances we may be able to offer a rebooking for a similar event. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Header photo shows dead hedging at the Leg O'Mutton Nature Reserve. Photo by Andrew Wilson.