This event is part of our Eco-Explorers programme for 10-14 year olds and accompanying adults. On the evening we will set up a moth trap and then head off on a dusk walk around an area of the Common to try and spot some of our other nocturnal neighbours, the bats!
As we walk, you’ll learn about the fascinating habits, life cycles, and the cultural connections between humans and night-loving creatures. After searching for bats, we'll return to study the moths attracted to our trap. We'll share facts and challenge misconceptions about these amazing and often misunderstood animals.
All equipment will be provided, booking essential. Sturdy waterproof footwear is recommended and as the event is entirely outdoors, we remind people to dress appropriately for the weather on the day. Bring a bottle of water or hot drink and a snack with you for the event.
During the walk we encourage people to take photos of the Common and the wildlife around them and to share them on social media using #barnescommonwalks
The walk will begin at the Vine Road Recreation Ground near the Pavilion.
TICKETS: All proceeds from ticket sales will support our conservation work and future learning events and we would encourage you, if you can, to pay full price. We do not want cost to be a barrier to our activities, as such we have a limited number of discount concession tickets available, please email [email protected] for details.
To keep up to date with all our events, conservation work and more, become a Barnes Common Friend!
Photo by Andrew Wilson.
Barnes Common
Vine Road Pavilion
Vine Road
Barnes SW13 0NE