Leg o' Mutton is designated as a Local Nature Reserve where Cormorant, heron, tufted duck and even breeding common terns can be seen during daylight hours.
In the evening, the local nocturnal wildlife can be seen and heard in their natural setting.
Join Will Scott-Mends, FoBC's Conservation Officer and resident bat expert on a walk around the reservoir. With his expert knowledge and some luck you will hopefully discover bats feeding at dusk and pick up their calls on bat detectors.
We hope for a lovely spring evening, however weather can be unpredictable at this time of year, so please dress appropriately and wear sturdy footwear.
This event is subject to cancellation at short notice in case of to very wet weather.
Please note, due to the narrow paths, places are limited and booking is essential.
We will meet at the large gate at the end of the southern end of the reservoir on the river side.
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Barnes Common
Vine Road Pavilion
Vine Road
Barnes SW13 0NE