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1:30pm, Saturday February 15th, 2025

Vine Road Recreation Ground, SW13 0NE

Winter Tree Walk on Barnes Common

Winter Tree Walk on Barnes Common

1:30pm, Saturday February 15th, 2025

Vine Road Recreation Ground, SW13 0NE

A social walk around the Common, exploring the wildlife of this important space with a particular focus on the variety of trees living here.

This is a repeat of our January Winter Tree Walk, exploring the spaces and species that make Barnes Common what is it today! We will observe and chat about plants, fungi, animals and history, as we explore different habitats. This years theme will be - The lives and deaths of tree species. We will explore the different life cycles of woodland pioneers and climax tree species, and how their deaths are a vital part of ecosystem health.

This walk will be approx 2km. It is suitable for people of all ages but will be aimed mostly at an adult audience. For younger people please consider our morning Yaffles Club. This walk covers a mixture of paths and unpaved surfaces which may be challenging for those with mobility issues. There will however be alternative paths which join up with the route at the planned stopping points. We will walk as a group around the Common but we will be mindful of people who would prefer to set their own pace.

This walk will cover different types of ground conditions, so sturdy waterproof footwear is recommended and as the event is entirely outdoors, we remind people to dress appropriately for the weather on the day.

Bring a bottle of water or hot drink with you for the stroll - refreshments can be purchased from Vine Road Community Café before the walk, discount for walk attendees, see below!

This is a repeat of the Winter Tree Walk on 17/01/25. You're welcome to attend again but note that we will follow the same route and talking points.

During the walk we encourage people to take photos of the Common and the wildlife around them and to share them on social media using #barnescommonwalks

The walk will begin at the Vine Road Recreation Ground near the Pavilion.

Please note, dogs will not be admitted at this event except guide dogs. All our events are dog free unless specifically mentioned in the event listing.

TICKETS: All proceeds from ticket sales will support our conservation work and future learning events and we would encourage you, if you can, to pay full price. We do not want cost to be a barrier to our activities, as such we have a limited number of discount concession tickets available, please email [email protected] for details.

Children under 16 go free to this event. You do not need to book a ticket for any child who will be coming along.

To keep up to date with all our events, conservation work and more, become a Barnes Common Friend!

Your ticket includes a 50% discount on a drink (hot or cold) at the Vine Road Community Cafe at the Pavilion.