There is a dizzying array of information available these days about how to grow, and when you’re starting out, it can all feel a bit overwhelming. In this workshop, we will give you a few simple pointers about how to get started. We’ll look at what equipment you’ll need, how to understand the conditions in your growing space and how to make a planting plan. We’ll also give you some useful tips on how to design a space.
All workshops will run on the 3rd Saturday of the month unless otherwise stated. The workshops will run from 10 – 11am, and you are welcome to stay afterwards to chat, look around the growing area and ask the workshop leader any questions. If you attend the training, you will also receive an emailed resource sheet afterwards with links to websites, videos and books you might want to use.
This workshop will take place in the polytunnel in our growing area at Vine Road Rec. Hot drinks can be purchased from the Vine Road Community Café in the Pavilion with a 50% discount for attendees.
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Barnes Common
Vine Road Pavilion
Vine Road
Barnes SW13 0NE