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Explore and Learn

Informal learning usually takes place away from the structure of a formal classroom situation.

It can complement and reinforce classroom teaching, be a stand-alone activity, happen deliberately or by accident.  Activities tend to be hands-on and immersive. Because of this, for many children, young people and adults, it is often these experiences that have the most impact. Here are a few short clips:

Explore and Learn

Informal learning usually takes place away from the structure of a formal classroom situation.

It can complement and reinforce classroom teaching, be a stand-alone activity, happen deliberately or by accident.  Activities tend to be hands-on and immersive. Because of this, for many children, young people and adults, it is often these experiences that have the most impact. Here are a few short clips:

Muck and Magic

Harvesting Potatoes

Making Pickles

Making Seed Compost

The Oak and Dragon

Further Reading!

Our Little Sprouts featured in BGCI Education Review

Full article from page 12.


Related links


Community Growing

Resources – Independent Learning

Family Learning