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Learning from Home Updates

Learning from Home Updates

We will be adding regular updates to our Links and Resources page. Please do share any you may come across and we will add to the list of activities and ideas. [email protected]

22nd April 2020:

A Guide to Lifting Up in Lockdown Written by Whole School Approach Project Coordinator, Abbey Jane Rowe, at Newport MIND. Specifically written with young people in mind, this contains sound well-being advice for us all.

BBC Bitesize Lots of curriculum-linked ideas and information

Being Mindful

Homestart Richmond, Kingston & Hounslow  Keeping families connected

Secret London  Sir David Attenborough teaching Geography, Danny Dyer exploring Henry VIII, Ed Balls delivering Maths lessons, Grayson Perry offering on-line art classes …. fantastic learning opportunities for us all! #notjustforthekids