Thank you for helping us collect a huge amount of litter from Barnes Common, we filled dozens of large bin bags on Sunday. Led by the wonderful Miranda, our volunteers picked out plastic and glass bottles, and drinks cans from the rubbish and put them in the recycling. This meant that several bags of litter were saved from the dump and instead will return to the circulation in their next life as fleece jumper or park bench.
Did you know that rubbish placed in general waste bins on the common do not get recycled? Please take your recycling home if you’re out and about.
We organise a major litter pick event every spring, but if you’d like to help us in the meantime, just pop into our Vine Road pavilion. You can borrow a litter picking kit (bags, litter pick, gloves) and return it to us once you’re done. Please email [email protected] to check our opening hours.