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Thanks for Joining Our Skate Park Tour!

Thanks for Joining Our Skate Park Tour!

Earlier this month, in partnership with our friends at Kimber Skatepark, we led a tour of three skateparks for local young people who are interested in skating.

We had a wonderful time visiting Crawley, Long Grove and Kimber skateparks, skating, scooting and even playing some basketball. Everyone had fantastic ideas and provided excellent insight in to what we could do to make an inclusive, accessible, and fun space. Thank you to all who attended!

With recent support given from the Richmond Council Committee on Environment, Sustainability, Culture and Sports, we will be advancing our Master Plans into a more detailed design phase, so we need your input now more than ever! If you are interested in participating in further consultation for the Vine Road Skatepark, or the park in general please contact Eliza at [email protected].