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Window Sill Growing Part 4: The Final Frontier!

Sharing Plants

Window Sill Growing Part 4: The Final Frontier!

Your window sill is full to bursting and your seedlings are fighting for space.  This is it – the Final Frontier. This series of clips on Growing from Home started on 30th March and just eight weeks later – here are a few ideas for the next steps in window sill growing.  I hope you have found it helpful and would love to hear your own stories! More from this blog coming soon.

Thinning out the seedlings. Don’t throw away those tiny seedlings hiding under the bigger plants. Leave them where they are and watch them shoot up.

A great example of how plants compete for light, water and space. Whether seedlings in my bread tin or deep in the Rainforest, the principle is the same!

Potting tomato seedlings into bigger pots

Potting on. This is the time to decide the fate of your plants. Depending on the space you have, some can be moved outside or to different places in the house.

Keep a couple on the window sill, watch them grow and remember when they were just tiny tiny seeds. These tomatoes already have flowers and tiny fruits!

Eat some, of course! There is nothing quite like picking a few leaves or more to add to salads. Another opportunity to bring in learning: ask about food miles, packaging, nutritional value. It’s so easy to have  simple, casual chats about quite complex ideas when you are harvesting and eating the evidence at the same time! Why not work out when to sow another ‘crop’ to have fresh leaves all the time?

Sharing PlantsShare some! You have put so much time, love and care into giving your plants the best possible start.  What can be more rewarding than sharing your ‘extras’ with friends, family or passers-by. I left my tomato seedlings grown from seeds 30 years old, along with a few extra runner bean plants in my communal garden. I don’t know who has taken them home, but they are all gone now!